Friday, October 17, 2008

Gobble Gobble Gobble: Thanksgiving a week late

This weekend I am visiting my parent's for "our" Thanksgiving. We arrived about 2 hours ago, and upon walking in the house the aroma of fresh baked Ranger Cookies filled our nostrils — further confirmation that this Family Memoir through Food is a great topic for my first attempt at a book.

Over the past week I have been writing my manuscript and working on further organization of the content.

As of now the chapters are:

"Musical Chairs"
- how families change, as shown through where we sit at the kitchen table
- how our seats change when company comes over, as shown through diagrams and possible seat shuffling scenarios.
- the difference between the kitchen table and the dinning room table

"There's more of everything"
This section will talk about our family heritage my mum's family heritage has proved to result in excessive amounts of food and how it has benefitted my brother and I after moving out of the house.

Here I talk about how eating has changed since my grandparents were young and how their experiences of living through both the Depression and WWII affected their eating and cooking habits. I will also explain how the recipes and methods have lived on and carried through into our lives.

"Recipes Schmecipes"
I will talk about how as we become more experienced cooks our reliance on recipes becomes less and less.

"Tips and Tricks"
As mentioned in my previous post, "The Zone" will be mentioned in this section, along with other simple tricks that I have learned throughout the years. I'm sure that every family makes discoveries at the kitchen table but here you go, maybe you can take these tips with you and apply them to your eating experiences with your friends and family.

Of course, all of these sections will be further explained through personal family stories and there will also be recipes placed appropriately throughout the chapters. I also want to include a recipes index, so that they can be found easily. Because they are arbitrarily placed throughout the book, this index will organize them into sections such as Cookies, Cakes, etc.

This weekend I am also going to be asking my family members and family friends to write about the eating experiences they have had at our house. I have just learned that we will be having a new guest, so I think it would be great to get her "beginner's account" on eating at the Bovey house. I figure that these little blurbs can most likely be included as possible pull quotes.

So, things are moving along, but I would like them to be moving on at warp speed instead of putting along like it is, but I guess any movement forward is better than nothin'.

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